World +


Volatile - MaggZ x Collide24 Residency Part 1 x Johanna

Volatile - to explore the process of rapid deterioration and the return of homeostasis. looking for safe heaven and tribalism, realised the only security lies within and only within.

pt.7 at @collide_24 residency stage 1 featuring @iranacredi "imagining the nature like a big magnet that attracts and shatters the human body towards itself. Nevertheless the body is glorious, a never-ending exchange between these two entities: nature and body, within experience and beyond surfaces, as a return to Romanticism. "

creative & movement direction by @magg._z
digital art by @iranacredi

Volatile - MaggZ x Collide24 Residency Part 2

Volatile - to explore the process of rapid deterioration and the return of homeostasis. 

this is a series that was inspired by the experience of 2020, honestly beyond grateful that it has been developed in multiple forms with insanely talented artists around the globe.

animation by @sandrabritz_ @seebelieveproduce
spoken words by @antoniagangi
movement direction by @magg._z