DeFy (Melbourne, AU)
Destructive Steps (Sydney, AU)
House Bound (Melbourne, AU)
ImPulsTanz (Vienna, AT)
Outbox Movement (Berlin, DE)
Vogue Bootcamp (Antwerp, BE)
Canberra Street Dance Festival (Canberra, AU)
Destructive Steps (Sydney, AU)
Waack Inferno (Melbourne, AU)
Pass the Buck (Melbourne, AU)
Vogue Bootcamp
From 9 to 13 August, Antwerp is the proud host of Pride. It is both a protest against oppression and a celebration of bodies and identities that fall outside the norm. DE SINGEL is also making space for Pride: on Friday 11 August, we invite Vogue Bootcamp Belgium to host a ballroom event in our inner garden: The Summer of Love Kiki Function.